Carole Kirby, lmsw
How I
can help
by Carole
Words to

Weekend for Couples

For many years I offered Getting the Love You Want Couples Weekend Workshop. Currently I am not presenting the couples weekend workshop.

However, I am including the following information regarding the workshop, so you can be introduced to the concepts and extensiveness of the weekend. Participating in a weekend workshop can expedite your relationship journey.

You can look on the IRNA website

to find out when and where the weekend workshops are offered. I would be willing to make some suggestions of presenters, if you would like.

Untangle Misunderstandings in Your Relationship & Create the Love You Want

This intensive weekend workshop follows the imago theory and practice developed by Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD in the book best selling book, Getting the Love You Want, a Guide for Couples (GTLYW).

The workshop is offered by Harville and Helen and by many certified workshop presenters in different parts of the country. This intensive workshop generally takes place over two days, about 20 hours.

Note: I am a certified GTLYW workshop presenter and have given 20+ weekends for couples. Currently, I am not presenting these workshops. However, I am familiar with many GTLYW workshop presenters and will gladly recommend presenters and help you find a weekend that fits your schedule.

Creating the Love You Want

This weekend workshop is based on the theory and practice developed by Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD which is described in Getting the Love You Want, first published in 2000. It is an intensive, practical workshop for a couples packed with information and skills to discover and create the joy and potential of being lovingly connected.

This workshop brings into awareness your unconscious defense mechanism resulting from forgotten childhood hurts. These insights and the safety you will learn to create will help you dissolve the barriers that block you and your partner from enjoying the many wonderful benefits of a nurturing and caring relationship. You will learn ways to heal and grow as your relationship deepens through a better understanding of each other as individuals, which will lead to increased trust and safety, greater compassion, pleasure, and real love.

This workshop will benefit you if...

  • you want to enrich a good relationship
  • you are just beginning a relationship you want to keep
  • you are in a difficult relationship and want to resolve longstanding conflicts
  • you have been in a relationship for a long time and want to revitalize it
  • you are near breakup or divorce and want to decide if the relationship can be saved

Your participation will give you...

  • greater patience, understanding, and compassion for yourself and your partner
  • an understanding that the unconscious forces that attract you to your partner are also the source of conflict
  • awareness of how to use your relationship for mutual healing and fulfillment
  • new communication skills to break destructive cycles of relating
  • ideas for re-establishing the connection and excitement of your early time together

You will learn how to...

  • get to the root of your problems and dissolve them
  • turn daily frustrations into vehicles for growth and change
  • harness the energy of conflict to make your relationship stronger
  • move from automatic reaction to deliberate action
  • become your partner's best friend and healer
  • successfully communicate your own desires
  • express your love and appreciation in ways that touch your partner's heart
  • create fun, romance, passion, and intimacy

This psycho-educational workshop includes: lectures, guided imagery, written exercises, demonstrations, working alone in your workbook, and practicing the processes with your partner. While couples are invited to participate and to build a supportive group atmosphere. No one will be pressured into unwelcome self-disclosure. The workshop emphasizes partners sharing with each other. Except for a brief introduction and some closing words, you will not need to share with the larger group unless you so choose.

Confidentiality is emphasized in order to create a safe and comfortable environment. Support therapists are available to help explain the exercises and to provide assistance when needed. Two workbooks are provided for your use during and after the workshop.


Carole Kirby lmsw   734-221-6829